- Elemental Fury - now removes the cooldown from your Chain Lightning spell.
- Thunderstorm - now also reduces the enemies movement speed by 40% for 5 sec.
- Wind Shear - now has a 25 sec cooldown, up from 6 sec.
- Call of Flame - no longer increase the duration of Flame Shock on Fire Nova damage.
- Lava Flows - now increases critical strike damage bonus of Lava Burst by 8/16%, up from 6/12%.
- Reverberation - now reduces the cooldown of Wind Shear by 10/20 sec.
- Earthquake - damage has been increased by roughly 75%.
- Flametongue Weapon - now increases magical damage done by 5%, instead of increasing spell damage by 747.
- Lava Lash - now deals 260% weapon damage, up from 200%.
- Mental Quickness - has been slightly revamped - Your spell power is now equal to 55% of your attack power, and you no longer benefit from other sources of spell power. Also, your instant beneficial, damaging, and totem spells cost 75% less mana.
- Stormstrike - no longer increases Nature damage against the target. Now grants you an additional 25% chance to critically strike that enemy with your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lightning Shield, and Earth Shock spells for 15 sec.
- Improved Lava Lash - now increases the damage of Lava Lash by 10% for each application of Searing Flames, now also causes your Lava Lash to spread your Flame Shock from the target to up to four enemies within 12 yards.
- Unleashed Rage - now increases melee attack power by 20% and ranged attack power by 10%.
- Ancestral Healing - got an extra effect - heals you cast increase allies' maximum health by 10% of the amount healed, up to a maximum of 10% of their health.
- Cleansing Waters - The heal effect can only occur once every 6 seconds.
- Riptide - healing effect has been increased by 50%, from 3725 to 5585.
Some interesting changes are coming to all the specs, as far as dps goes our aoe has been a topic of interest as far as corrections and blizz has some ideas for us.

Well Blizz heard your cries and did something about it. they went ahead and added a new feature to Improved Lava Lash by allowing your Lava Lash to spread the targets Flame Shock to up to 4 targets within a 12 yard range, what that means is now our ramp-up time is greatly reduced and allows for maximum aoe.

Now on to Ancestral Healing, a new effect this core talent gains is a 10% increase to your healing targets health pool, now as far as it being base health or scaling with gear remains to be seen it will be something I will be testing out and reporting on soon.
And Finally we come to Riptide our sol castable HoT received a healing effect increase, so what that means is our HoT Effect post Riptide will do much more healing, and not the initial heal. So by no means will both these changes rocket us to the top of the meters but will bring a solid buff to aoe damage situations and Main Tank healing.
I'll continue to keep you updated as changes come in.
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