I thought I'd start my first post off with a look at the new tier 10 gear. I know its a little late as far as previews are concerned, but better late then never I always say.
Shaman – Enhancement
- 2 piece bonus - When you activate your Shamanistic Rage ability you also deal 12% additional damage for 15 second.
- 4 piece bonus - Each time the beneficial effect of your Maelstrom Weapon talent reaches 5 charges, you have a 15% chance to gain 20% attack power for 10 second.
Overall the Style and look of the set is awesome, at first look you would not think shaman but I guess the Kilt is a giveaway lol. The stats in all are nice, a good amount of Agi and Int and is nice to see but the lack of haste is a bit of a downer, to have maybe seen some socket bonuses with haste or maybe some yellow sockets would have given me a bit more excitement towards the set, the shoulder animation more then makes up for it I guess. Ice Crown looks to have a lot of good gear coming our way. The only concerned trying to Balance your Hit, Exp, and Haste keeping both hit and exp at the cap and still keeping your haste high will be a challenge. The Attack Power rout is always a possibility to keep your Dps high but Haste should be the number one stat overall it will produce higher sustained damage. All and all the set is great looking and stat wise is above par, and should be something to behold in full on any shaman no matter the race.
i <3 majin