Hey guys Majin here, just thought Id give you guys a small update about the tier 10 set. Now I understand this videos around the web already, and I understand its a little late, but just in case you haven't seen it, here it is.
At first glance the shaman tier 10 shoulders looks pretty run of the mill, its only after you obtain these bad boys that you will notice something out of the ordinary about these things.
Shovel tusks! yes Shovel tusks, the strange deer like mobs who roam the fields of howling fjord are now springing from your very sides.
I mean who wouldn't love to have shovel tusks burst forth from there shoulders right?
In my opinion I love these things, the animation is decent and the fact that they are in fact jumping from your vary shoulders is just all around fun to show off. They arent vary common as far as appearing, but most things in the game are rare anyways right?
Like it or not here it is, enjoy. =)
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