Thursday, January 28, 2010

Enhance YourSelf : Professions

Hey all, Im back and I got a fresh post for you all today.
Today's topic is gonna be all about the Professions! Yup Professions something no max level player should ever be without. Now during your time in major city's you may notice in trade chat a lot of your fellow players posting "LFW" macros displaying there professions and services, this is just one way in which professions can make your time in wow easier. By doing so these players are providing a service in exchange for gold, which is then used for various other things, for the common raider that would be enchants, gems, regents, flask, pots, and BoE (Bind on Equip)Gear, all vital items in which to increase there rolls in raid. But professions are not just there to make you money, they are also there to provide you with above average enchants and buffs to help you reach that next level, Im going to go over them in this
post today.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Tier 10 Shoulder Video.

Hey guys Majin here, just thought Id give you guys a small update about the tier 10 set. Now I understand this videos around the web already, and I understand its a little late, but just in case you haven't seen it, here it is.

At first glance the shaman tier 10 shoulders looks pretty run of the mill, its only after you obtain these bad boys that you will notice something out of the ordinary about these things.
Shovel tusks! yes Shovel tusks, the strange deer like mobs who roam the fields of howling fjord are now springing from your very sides.

I mean who wouldn't love to have shovel tusks burst forth from there shoulders right?
In my opinion I love these things, the animation is decent and the fact that they are in fact jumping from your vary shoulders is just all around fun to show off. They arent vary common as far as appearing, but most things in the game are rare anyways right?

Like it or not here it is, enjoy. =)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Addon Spotlight.

My first Addon Spotlight happens to be of an addon no enhancement shaman should be without, "Shock and Awe". The creator of this is a well known and well respected player in the shaman community a Draenei shaman "Levva", full credit must go to him for this great addon.

I'll explain some the key aspects of this addon in today's post.

In this post I'm going to going to go over some basic features and settings of the addon.
this addon brings a lot of beneficial utility's to a raiding shaman, for example "Timers Bars", Priority setup, and Shield awareness. All aspects needed to maintain your dps at it's maximum.

In this screen shot the "Priority Box" and Cool down Timers/Bars" are in Display. Lets start with the "Priority Box".

As you can see in the screen shot the addon displays your next priority attack based on your list of attacks you provided in setup. It will also display wind shear if your threat begins to reach the tanks.
Underneath that box you will notice 5 small boxes, these boxes are to indicate how many stacks of "Maelstrom Weapon" you possess at that moment in combat, once they reach 5 it will indicate, that you have full maelstrom.

Now on to the Cool down Bars, these bar here to show you how long in which your attacks have left on there cool down's, how many charges of lightning shield and Maelstrom weapon you possess, and how long in which your attacks have left on the target. A great mechanic in order to keep your cool downs in check and help keep your dps at it's maximum as well.

Another great feature in this addon is the ability to keep your "Shields" and "Weapon Enhancements" in check via sounds warnings and screen indicators. You can setup these options in the addons page. The sounds range from a wide variety of options from Submarines to Rubber ducky's, again allowing you to keep your dps at its maximum.

My over all opinion on this addon is that its something no shaman should be without, it covers everything you need to keep track of while in combat to help maximize your full potential.

Rating : 9/10

Download link : "Shock and Awe"

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tier 10

I thought I'd start my first post off with a look at the new tier 10 gear. I know its a little late as far as previews are concerned, but better late then never I always say.

Shaman – Enhancement
  • 2 piece bonus - When you activate your Shamanistic Rage ability you also deal 12% additional damage for 15 second.
  • 4 piece bonus - Each time the beneficial effect of your Maelstrom Weapon talent reaches 5 charges, you have a 15% chance to gain 20% attack power for 10 second.

Overall the Style and look of the set is awesome, at first look you would not think shaman but I guess the Kilt is a giveaway lol. The stats in all are nice, a good amount of Agi and Int and is nice to see but the lack of haste is a bit of a downer, to have maybe seen some socket bonuses with haste or maybe some yellow sockets would have given me a bit more excitement towards the set, the shoulder animation more then makes up for it I guess. Ice Crown looks to have a lot of good gear coming our way. The only concerned trying to Balance your Hit, Exp, and Haste keeping both hit and exp at the cap and still keeping your haste high will be a challenge. The Attack Power rout is always a possibility to keep your Dps high but Haste should be the number one stat overall it will produce higher sustained damage. All and all the set is great looking and stat wise is above par, and should be something to behold in full on any shaman no matter the race.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Welcome to the new "I Windfury" blog site, I started this site because I wanted a site for enhancement shamans to call there own, we have all seen the site for a variety of classes the one stop sites for everything and anything DK or Rogue. So I'm taking it upon myself to make one for all you enhancement shamans out there that want that direct connect info on your class.
I will be giving my opinionated views of Patch notes, Talent builds, Rotations, Glyphs, Gear, Gems and Enchants. Keeping you up to date on everything in the world of enhancement shamans. So enjoy the site and stay tuned for future updates.
