So now instead of collecting talent points every other level and then once each level after 80, you will now receive a point every 15 levels and only be allowed to select one talent in that tier before that tier is locked.
Level 15
We get a look at the new system when we hit level 15, and by the looks of it we have some nice choices for leveling, PVP, and possibly crowd control for end game raid trash, and boss encounters that include adds.
Frozen Power:
Your Frost Shock now also roots the target in ice for 5 sec.
Earthgrab Totem:
1600 Mana
Summons an Earthgrab Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 45 sec. The totem pulses every second, rooting all enemies within 8 yards for 5 sec. Recently rooted enemies will instead have their movement speed reduced by 50%.
Repulsion Totem
1600 Mana
Summons an Air totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 15 sec that repels enemies.
Level 30
At level 30 we come across some nice defensive ability's and totems.
Nature's Guardian:
Whenever a damaging attack brings you below 30%health, your maximum health is increased by 15% for 10 sec and your threat level towards the attacker is reduced.
30 second cooldown.
Stone Bulwark Totem:
2560 Mana
1Min cooldown
Summons an Earth totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 30 sec that grants the caster a shield absorbing 2649 damage and refreshes that shield every 5 sec.
Astral Shift:
2 min cooldown
Seek haven by shifting partially into the elemental planes, reducing damage taken by 50% but also all damage and healing dealt by 50% for 6 sec.
Level 45
Level 45 we come to self and raid utility's. By the way we will have insta ghost wolf as baseline, this talent will now only add to the skill.
Improved Ghost Wolf:
While in Ghost Wolf form, you ignore the effects of snares.
Windwalk Totem:
1920 Mana
1 min cooldown
Summons an Air Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 6 sec, granting raid members within 30 yards immunity to movement impairing effects.
Tranquil Mind Totem:
1920 Mana
1 min cooldown
Summons an air totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 6 sec, granting raid members within 30 yards immunity to spellcast interrupt and silence effects.
Level 60
Level 60 brings us to a Restoration Tier.
Healing Tide Totem:
2560 Mana
3 min cooldown
Summons a Water Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 10 sec, healing the 5 most injured raid members within 40 yards for 1060 health every 2 sec.
Ancestral Guidance:
When you deal direct damage or healing for the next 10 seconds, 40% of that amount is copied as healing to a nearby injured ally.
Fortifying Waters:
Allies standing within your Healing Rain receive a 10%reduction to incoming magic damage.
Level 75
Level 75 is about boosting our burst dps.
Elemental Mastery:
3 min cooldown
When activated, your next Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning or Lava Burst spell becomes an instant cast spell. In addition, your Fire, Frost, and Nature damage is increased by 15% and you gain 20% spell haste for 15sec.
Nature's Swiftness:
1 min cooldown
Passively increases spell and melee haste by 5%
When activated, your next nature spell with a base casting time less then 10 sec becomes an instant cast spell.
Echo of the Elements:
When you cast a damage or healing spell, you have a chance to gain Echo of the Elements
duplicating that spell's effect.
Level 90
Level 90 is all about Totems and the way we control them.
Elemental Harmony:
You may summon multiple totems of the same element simultaneously.
Totemic Restoration:
If a totem is replaced or destroyed before its duration expires naturally, its cooldown is reduced in proportion to the lost duration.
Totemic Projection:
10 sec cooldown
Relocates your active totems to the specified location.
We come to our conclusion, with this new system expect to see some interesting game play changes, a new way to utilize our totems and dare I say it? Bring the idea of one day being shaman tanks. =P
We also included some changes coming to the shaman class and our totems.
- Buff totems are gone. It just wasn't very interesting to be the buff bitch of the group.
- All totems are now utility
- New totem examples:
- Earthgrab totem - roots
- Repulsion totem - repels
- Bulwark Totem - absorbs
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