Ok So first things first, id like to formally apologize for my long absence my personal life became vary hectic and time consuming, giving me vary little time to keep the blog going. Recently I've been able to make available some free time and decided to get back to work on it. So with my first post Im going to present you with "Patch Notes" just singling out the points most imformative to the "Enhancement" spec. Enjoy.
- Fire Nova damage has been increased by 15%.
- Lightning Shield and Water Shield can no longer be dispelled.
- Unleash Elements is now in the Nature school, and thus can no longer be used if a shaman's Nature school has been locked out.
- Talent Specializations
- Elemental
- Call of Flame now also causes Fire Nova to add 3/6 seconds to the duration of Flame Shock auras on targets that Fire Nova damages.
- Enhancement
- Stormstrike now deals 225% weapon damage, up from 125%.
- Unleash Wind now deals 175% weapon damage, up from 125%.
- Elemental
- Glyphs
- Glyph of Unleashed Lightning (new Prime glyph) allows Lightning Bolt to be cast while moving.
So looking over the notes we can see some nice dps boosts to two of our main single target ability's a 100% boost to "Stormstrike" and a 50% boost to "Unleash Wind" and a vary nice added bonus to a talent that most Enhancement shaman should posses "Call of Flame" giving us some much needed control to our vary busy and high maintenance aoe. The added utility to this talent now allows us to keep a single "Flame Shock" on a target without the need of reapplication after the initial shock so long as you continue to "Flame Shock" other targets and have their fire novas hit targets which have already been shocked prior to the Fire nova.
- As far as the glyph is concerned I was unsure whether to add it to the post or not, primarily because of two reasons, one being its mainly an elemental glyph and second during a stationary fight is worthless and in a single target fight it does not add a dps increase over anything we currently use as our primary glyphs, Its more of a situational glyph for those fights where movement dampens your dps. For the time being if the spec is played correctly, no one fight come out as being far to movement heavy except maybe Atramedes or Omnitron, I will continue to dig and research information on the new upcoming Firelands fights and perhaps find a fight that could put this glyph to good use. It will never be a glyph to take the place as a permanent primary only a switch in.