Patch 3.3.3: A Call to Arms
So Patch notes and PTR information has started to stream out little by little, and shaman among other classes are noticing changes, well I'm here to break down all of that we know about these changes so far. Now the patch is not 100% completed yet and I'll continue to keep you all up to date as time goes on, but as far as we know these are the enhancement shaman changes as of today.
- Flame Shock: The damage-over-time component of this ability can now produce critical strikes and is affected by spell haste
- Glyph of Flame Shock - Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Flame Shock periodic damage by 60%.
Some good changes as we can see so far, flame shock capable of producing critical strikes without the aid of a glyph and is also affected by spell haste to boot is a nice addition. Unleashed Rage now a passive aura instead of having to crit for it to proc is another positive. As far as the new glyph I'm not 100% sold on it yet, I will have to go over the numbers and get back to you all on that, as I said before I'll continue to keep you all up to date.